Saturday, May 19, 2012

¡Corazón Cristero! Cristero Heart!

¡Corazón Cristero! Cristero Heart!

The magnificent For Greater Glory film from Mexican Catholic producer Pablo José Barroso, known in Spanish as Cristiada, will open in US theaters within two weeks. It portrays important incidents from the 1926-1929 Cristero War in Mexico fought by Catholics in Mexico against the horrendous campaign of President Elias Calles to destroy the Catholic Church. 

One of the most important characters in the film is the 14-year-old  José Sanchez Del Rio, beatified in Mexico in November 2005 along with other Cristero martyrs is, including the Mexican Gandhi, Anacleto Gonzales Flores.  14-year-old Mexican actor Mauricio Kuri plays Josélito, and Mexican actor and pro-life activist Eduardo Verástegui plays Anacleto.

Josélito died shouting Viva Cristo Rey! after the most depraved abuse and torment. "The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church," wrote Christian apologist Tertullian (c. 160 - c. 225 AD). 

And so the New Martyr Josélito is becoming the patron saint to a generation of young new Cristeros fighting suppression of religious freedom around the world under President Obama's Kultukampf against the Catholic Church in the US, against radical Islamist militants in the Middle East, Indonesia, Nigeria, and the Philipinnes, and both radical militant Islamist and Hindu extremism in India.

The song ¡Corazón Cristero! (Cristero Heart!) was apparently composed for  Josélito's beatification in 2005, though I have not yet been able to discover who wrote it.  It is lovely and sure to capture the hearts of Cristeros and Cristeras around the world as For Greater Glory makes its progress around the Catholic world. Lyrics in English and Spanish are below the video.

For background see Blessed José Luis Sánchez del Río in English and Spanish here


Yo quiero ir a las montañas. Yo quiero ir a pelear.
Pues yo también quiero morir por Cristo. Quiero mi sangre derramar.

Han profanado las iglesias y pisoteado al Señor.
Ya no es tiempo de escondernos. Hacen falta soldados. Hace falta valor.

¡Corazón Cristero! Dispuesto a batallar hasta el fin.
Ahora es tan barato el cielo..., ¡Morir para vivir!
Corazón sin miedo, de niño y de gigante en la fe.
Qué dicha es caer con este grito: ¡Qué viva Cristo Rey!

El Sol teñía con luz de sangre aquellos campos de dolor.
Estaba en pie con la bandera, y en su pecho, la pureza y el honor.

A los verdugos que gritaban que renegara de su fe,
El respondió: "Fusílenme, la muerte es chica.
Quiero irme al cielo; quiero ver a mi Rey".

Corazón Cristero... (bis)

Aún lo veo en mis ojos. (¡Qué viva Cristo Rey!)
Aún lo escucho en mis oídos. (¡Que viva Cristo Rey!)
Aún lo siento en mi corazón. ¡Qué viva Cristo Rey!


I want to go to the mountains. I want to go to fight.
I also want to die for Christ and to shed my blood.

They have desecrated the churches and trampled on the Lord.
Now is not the time to hide. We need soldiers. We need courage.

Cristero Heart! Willing to fight until the end!
What a joy it is to fall with the cry: Long live Christ the King!
The sun stained with blood-light the fields of suffering.
He stood with the flag, and on his chest, purity and honor

To the executioners who yelled at him to renounce his faith,
He shot back: "Shoot me. Death is small matter to me.
I want to go to heaven.  I want to see my King.”

Cristero Heart!... (twice)

I still see him in my eyes. (Long live Christ the King!)
I still hear him in my ears. (Long live Christ the King!)
I still feel him in my heart. (Long live Christ the King!)


Monday, May 14, 2012

Blessed José Sánchez Del Rio – They’re going to shoot me Tuesday morning at six for believing in God.

Hispanic Catholics and all who care about freedom of religious belief around the world will swell with pride starting Friday, June 1 when the film For Greater Glory opens in US move theaters.
It has become a smash hit in Mexico where it opened on April 20 under its Spanish title of Cristiada.
Produced by a warm-hearted and committed Catholic father of four children, Pablo José Barroso, For Greater Glory is an epic account of incidents from the great Cristero War of 1926-1929. (Español)
Tens of thousands of Catholic farmers, ranchers, and ordinary middle class Catholics rose up against the murderous attempts of vindictive and ardently atheist socialist President Plutarco Elías Calles to exterminate the Catholic Church and religious freedom in Mexico.
Calles subjected Catholic children to socialist indoctrination after banning religious education. He desecrated and destroyed churches, and the great statue of Cristo Rey, Christ the King, at Cubillete Hill (Español).
Over 4,000 priests were killed or exiled so that by the mid-1930s fewer than 400 priests were officially approved by the government to serve a population of 17 million.
Over 30,000 Catholics died in the Cristero War and subsequent persecution. Tens of thousands of other Mexican Catholics and secularists were also slaughtered.  
La Cristiada produced a remarkable niño mártir or teenage martyr, 14-year-old José Luis Sánchez del Rio (1913-1928). (Español).
He was declared a martyr and beatified by Pope Bendict XVI on November 20, 2005. According to proper Catholic terminology he is called Beato or Blessed José Luis. We pray that he may soon be canonized and become Santo or Saint José Luis.
Too young to fight, he carried the Cristero banner of Our Lady of Guadalupe into battle on horseback with the Cristero war cry, ¡Viva Cristo Rey y la Santísima Virgen de Guadalupe! Long live Christ the King and the most holy Virgin of Guadalupe!
He is played by the terminally adorable Mexican actor Mauricio Kuri. He is 14, exactly the same age as  José Luis at the time of his brutal execution and martyrdom.  
Beato José Luis Sánchez del Río:
José Luis carrying the Cristero banner of La Guadalupana, Our Lady of Guadalupe:

Cristeros made up songs about their struggle in the popular Mexican song forms of the corrido and ranchera, which form the core of Mariachi music.
The Cristero corridos were the Twitter of the Cristeros, many of whom were exactly the ages of the present day Millennial Generation, whose first members were born in 1980 and the oldest of whom are turning 32 this year.
In 1926 radios and telephones were sparse in the countryside around José Luis’s hometown of Sahuayo in the state of Jalisco, whose cities of Puerto Vallarta and Guadalajara are familiar names to Americans.
Like the camp fire songs of soldiers in the US Civil War and songs improvised by cowboy poets around campfires, the Cristero corridos celebrated and passed on news of important incidents in the war.
A vividly representative sample of Cristero music is El martes me fusilan, “On Tuesday morning at six they are going to shoot me for believing in God and our great Lady of Guadalupe.”
It is shockingly frank to Anglo ears, but the Cristeros were almost matter of fact about risking death so that future generations of Mexican Catholic children would be free to practice their faith.
Eventually some of these children came to re-discover the history of the Cristiada, which has been a taboo subject for the last nearly 80 years in Mexico. They have lovingly made the remarkable film that celebrates the Cristeros’ faith unto the shedding of their blood.
Besides Mauricio, the cast features Mexican and Mexican American stars pro-life activist Eduardo Verástegui and Eva Longoria. They are joined by Cuban-Americans Andy Garcia and Nestor Carbonell, Guatemalan-Cuban-American Oscar Isaac, Columbian Catalina Sandino Moreno, Chilean Santiago Cabrera, and Rubén Blades from Panama.
We rightly grieve the loss of what young people who die or have been killed have become. We too often fail to see what they have already accomplished.  Every teenage life is a life of accomplishment.  Just ask their mothers.
Ask Sabrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin. Ask Virginia Britton about her 20-year-old son Kyle Brennan, a martyr to the Church of Scientology’s vicious War on Psychiatry.
Ask the mother of 13-year-old Syrian Muslim Hamza Ali al-Khateeb, tortured and killed almost beyond recognition by the Asad regime.
Ask Coptic Christian mothers in Egypt, and Christian mothers in the Middle East, India, and Indonesia, and everywhere believers are persecuted.
The life of 14-year-old José Luis Sánchez del Río was a life of accomplishment. He teaches us that nothing is more important than the friendship of God and the freedom to be fully and freely a friend and child of God is worth everything including your own life.
What we need are legions of internet and iRL Cristeros to fight for religious freedom. In El martes me fusilan the voice of José Luis assures us:
Muchos quedan en la lucha y otros que vienen naciendo.
Many are in the fight and more are being born.
Young Cristero millennials both Catholic and Evangelical like Katie Pavlich, Matthew Boyle, Mary Chastain and many others have risen up in a new Cristiada to expose the bloody Fast and Furious Scandal under the direction of US Attorney General Eric Holder that has created Los nuevos mártires de Rápido y Furioso – the New Martyrs of Fast and Furious.

Katie Pavlich's new book Fast and Furious: Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Cover-Up is the authoritative source of information on the scandal.
Hundreds of Hispanic Catholics have been killed in Mexico by nearly 2,000 weapons our government knowingly and willingly placed in the hands of Mexican drug cartels under the direction of US Attorney General Eric Holder.
Foremost among the New Martyrs in the US are Hispanic Catholic Special Agent Jaime Zapata and his fellow Special Agent, Irish-American Catholic Brian Terry.
Their mothers Mary Zapata and Josie Terry have been shamelessly stiff-armed by Holder, who has covered up the scandal.  More than a year after their sons’ death they still do not know exactly what happened to their martyred sons.
Thank God a bi-partisan coalition has finally formed in the House of Representatives with Republican Darrell Issa and Democrat Pat Donnelly and others joining together to demand that Holder stop his folly or soon be cited for contempt of Congress.
The death of the New Martyrs of Fast and Furious is not a partisan issue. It is an outrage.
In the video below the great Vicente Fernandez, El rey de la canción ranchera “The king of ranchera music”, sings the Cristero ranchera El martes me fusilan – “On Tuesday at 6 o'clock in the morning they are going to shoot me for believing in God eternal and our great Lady of Guadalupe.
It is a song we can easily imagine José Luis singing to himself on horseback wondering if today would be the day of paying the full price in the fight for freedom as he carried the banner of La gran Guadalupana into battle.

This video is from the channel of vladnyanke.  Sometimes when I watch it my monitor goes blurry.  Just look at those faces.
Go subscribe to vladnyanke's channel. He lives in Mexico with his beautiful wife and daughter. He also has a large tattoo on his back of St. Michael pwning Satan the is quite awesome. He will appreciate your support.
Also leave comments from at the video for Cristo Rey, la gran Guadalupana, José Luis, and great justice. Thanks.
¡Viva Cristo Rey y la Santísima Virgen de Guadalupe!
Muchos quedan en la lucha y otros que vienen naciendo!
El martes me fusilan a las seis de la mañana
por creer en Dios eterno y en la gran Guadalupana.

Me encontraron una estampa de Jesús en el sombrero
por eso me sentenciaron porque yo soy un cristero.

Es por eso me fusilan el martes por la mañana.
Matarán mi cuerpo inútil pero nunca, nunca mi alma.

Yo les digo a mis verdugos que quiero me crucifiquen
Y una vez crucificado entonces usen sus rifles.

Adiós sierras de Jalisco, Michoacán y Guanajuato,
Donde combatí al Gobierno que siempre salió corriendo.

Me agarraron, de rodillas, adorando a Jesucristo.
Sabían que no había defense en ese santo recinto.

Soy labriego por herencia, Jalisciense de naciencia.
No tengo más Dios que Cristo por que me dio la existencia.

Con matarme no se acaba la creencia en Dios eterno.
Muchos quedan en la lucha y otros que vienen naciendo.

Es por eso me fusilan el martes por la mañana.

On Tuesday at 6 o'clock in the morning they are going to shoot me
For believing in God eternal and in our great Lady of Guadalupe.

They found a picture of Jesus in my sombrero
So I got sentenced to death because I am a Cristero.

That's why they are shooting me on Tuesday morning.
They can kill my useless body but never, never my soul.

I tell my torturers I want them to crucify me,
And then after crucifying me to use their rifles.

Goodbye Mountains of Jalisco, Michoacán and Guanajuato,
Where I fought the Government, who always ran away.

I knelt down and worshipped Jesus Christ.
They knew that there was no defense in this holy place.

I ‘m a farmer by heritage and a Jalisciense by birth.
I have no God but Christ, who gave me existence.

Killing me off isn’t going to stop people believing in the eternal God.
Many are in the fight, and others are being born.

That's why they are going to shoot me on Tuesday morning.

PS: I would like to translate this article into Spanish and other languages, particularly Arabic, Persian, and Indonesian.  If you can help out please contact me at internetcristero [at] gmail dot com.

Gracias y ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Why Jeff Carter is wrong about citing Eric Holder for contempt of Congress

Townhall financial columnist Jeff Carter asserts that it is "not a wise move" for House Republicans to cite Attorney General Eric Holder for contempt of Congress for stonewalling and withholding documents relevant to the Fast And Furious scandal.  

Carter argues that Obama's incompetent mismanagement of the economy will tank him nicely for the election and that if Republicans use Holder "as a punching bag to defeat Obama, they may make him a martyr for the left to rally around." (Emphasis added.)

He compares Holdergate to Watergate and asserts that the mainstream media will not be willing to support Republicans against Holder, though of course they avidly supported Congressional Democrats against President Richard Nixon.

First of all, no one died in the Watergate scandal. Hundreds have been murdered in the Holdergate scandal, and Eric has helpfully assured us that "More people are going to die." 

Second, the lamestream media must report on everything that Mitt Romney says. All Republicans need to do is to make sure Mitt talks about the scandal at every opportunity. 

Further following the Watergate parallel he asserts that it is highly doubtful that there will be a Deep Throat in the Chicago Machine Democrat Obama administration - "You need to be well versed in the ways of Chicago politics to understand how the White House works."

Carter offers no more argumentation than this for his contention, and the 90 or so commenters on his article resoundingly counter him for cowardice in the face of the Chicagoland gang playing the race card. 

MidasRex writes, "Wow, so you've decided to let the race card win, even before it's played? Sounds... spineless...Good grief. Look, man - when they play the race card, you tear it up and burn it in their face - not whimper and hide in the corner."

The main reason that he is wrong is that the Republicans have a very easy counter to Obama playing the race card in the Holdergate scandal - hammering away at the fact that most of Holder's victims are Hispanics, who voted 67% for Obama in 2008 and who now have been betrayed twice by the African American hegemons of the Democratic Party. 

First, in the Fast and Furious scandal, and second, in the lynching of Hispanic Catholic and registered Democrat George Zimmerman, who has been disdainfully smeared as a "white Hispanic." in the death of Trayvon Martin.

Hispanic Democrats have been completely silent on the "soft core" (to borrow a term from Holocaust scholar Deborah Lipstadt) anti-Hispanic racism of Obama, Al Sharpton, and Eric Holder. 

These morons have started a race war between the two major ethnic groups on the progressivist plantation where there is no doubt who the Field Negroes are. 

Obama wants to play the race card on Holdergate? Fine, bring it on. All Republicans need to do is hammer away at the silence and complicity of Hispanic Democrats in the cover-up of the killing of Hispanics in Fast and Furious. And they are still being killed by weapons Obama and Holder have so generously place in the hands of the drug cartels.

If John Boehner and the Republican House leadership are nervous in the service, Katie Pavlich, Mary Chastain, Matthew Boyle and the rest of the awesome millennial generation Holdergate internets warriors need to hit them upside the head with a clue bat.

But why are Republicans chewing their fingernails waiting around for Obama to unleash #RACECARDFAIL? Why aren't they, for example, introducing a resolution to establish a National Day of Commemoration for the Victims of Fast and Furious on, say, the date of the martyrdom of Special Agent Jaime Jorge  Zapata, February 15?

On that day just over a year ago in 2011 in Mexico, 15 drug thugs armed with assault rifles surrounded a SUV carrying Jaime and another Hispanic-American Special Agent Victor Avila, who were unarmed. 

Avila survived. Jaime died of wounds from an assault weapon, a complementary gift from Eric Holder and American taxpayers to the drug thugs.

Why isn't Mitt Romney demanding accountability from Hispanic Democrats for the Holdergate deaths every time the subject comes up?

Jeff Carter and, unwittingly, even the most ardent Evangelical and Catholic exposers of Holdergate, think like Republican secularists. 

They have little understanding of the power of the Hispanic Catholic hierarchy and in particular the enormous cultural power of Hispanic and particularly Mexican Hispanic Catholicism. 

That power is about to be unleashed on America when Pablo José Barroso's For Greater Glory premieres in theaters on June 1. It has been a hit in Mexico since its premiere there on April 20.

It is an epic film account of the Cristero War of 1926-1929 waged by Mexican Catholics after they had exhausted every peaceful attempt to defend their freedom of religion. Hard-core militant atheist Mexican President Plutarco Elías Calles destroyed crosses, banned religious instruction in schools, and attempted to make the Catholic church heel to the demands of his regime. Sound familiar?

The very subject of the history of the Cristero War has been taboo in Mexico until recently. Barroso is a devout and committed young Catholic father of four children, and he made the film for them. 

The cast is a glittering list of Hispanic film stars: Andy Garcia, Eva Longoria, Eduardo Verastegui, and others including the terminally adorable 14-year-old Mauricio Kuri. 

Pope John Paul II canonized 25 of the thousands of martyrs of the Cristero War and beatified three others. Of these 28, no fewer than 8 appear in the film. Mauricio plays the role of the blessed José Luis Sánchez del Río whose was exactly Mauricio's age when he was executed by President Elias' troops.Here is how it happened:

Father Maciel recalled the gruesome events that transpired after the government's failure to break José's resolve on the evening of February 10, 1928:
 “Consequently they cut the bottom of his feet and obliged him to walk around the town toward the cemetery. They also at times cut him with a machete until he was bleeding from several wounds. 
He cried and moaned with pain, but he did not give in. At times they stopped him and said, ‘If you shout ‘Death to Christ the King’ we will spare your life.’ José would only shout, "I will never give in. Viva Cristo Rey!" 
When they reached the place of execution, they stabbed him numerous times with bayonets. He only shouted louder, "Viva Cristo Rey!" 
The commander was so furious that he pulled out his pistol and shot Blessed Jose Sanchez del Rio in the head. After being shot in the head, he drew in the ground a cross with his blood and kissed it as his time expired.”
No, Repubican secularists. This is not Darryl Issa vs Eric Holder. This is Eric Holder vs Hispanic Catholic Mary Zapata and all the grieving Hispanic Catholic mothers and grieving mothers yet to come of the martyrs to Holdergate. 

Call up Mary Zapata on the phone and make your arguments directly to her that her quest for justice for her son Agent Jaime Zapata is "not a smooth move." She's is in  the phone book.

Get a clue and a backbone.